According to statistics, every year about 1 million people in the US are arrested for drunk driving. It is illegal to drink and drive. it is stressful if you get caught by the law enforcers driving under the influence of substances. Drunk driving attract high penalties, and it is even worse if you caused an accident under the and influence. If you are in such a situation, you find all possible ways that you can evade or reduce the DUI charges.
Luckily there are ways that you can be able to reduce these charges or dismiss them altogether.
One can attend a course in DUI. Depending on the state that you are in, you can apply for a DUI course. Facing DUI charges reduces your chances of getting a new job and therefore if there is a way you can stay away from such, you should by all means.
For example, if the state did not test your breath or your blood sample then, they do not have sufficient evidence that they can use in prosecuting you in such a case the state is ready to accept a guilty plea and in exchange for reduced charges, and this means that instead of being given the DUI charges, they can go down to reckless driving charges Plea bargains are helpful because when such is the case, then you won’t be worried about the DUI charges getting in your record.
Ask if the state has the probation option. When you are given probation, you will avoid the DUI charges. However if it is your 2nd or 3rd time being convicted with DUI charges then your case is serious. When one is a repeat DUI offender or in the past you have caused injuries because of drunk and driving, then it is mandatory by the state that you have to attend rehabilitation.
When you drink under the influence and get caught in another state, you will feel stressed because you aren’t sure about the charges that you will be slapped with. When you have Dui charges in a different state, start to research about the charges; however you need to confirm if you are at risk of getting your licensed suspended. Get to know the rules in the state that you were arrested in, if your license is to be canceled then the arresting officer will issue the suspension order immediately; however this immediate suspension will be temporary, and you will not be able to drive in the state where you were arrested until when your DUI case is taken to court for the charges you can drive in your home state.
When your license is temporarily suspended, there is a chance that you can use to appeal.